Elbgorilla Snychro
© Klambt

Significant milestone on the one-year anniversary. Elbgorilla Synchro receives TPN certification.

Exactly one year ago, Elbgorilla Synchro successfully entered the market. Since September 2022, a dedicated team has been dubbing films, series and documentaries in the heart of Hamburg. The Hamburg studio reached a significant milestone just in time for its first birthday.

In September 2022, the KLAMBT media group entered the dubbing business for feature films, series and documentaries. The subsidiary Elbgorilla Synchro has been operating for a year with two recording studios in Hamburg city center. Technically equipped to the highest level and with the best possible safety standards, a dedicated team of ten employees works on German-language dubbing of international productions with the support of additional freelancers. Clients include production companies such as Paramount+ and the Seven.One Entertainment Group.

The TPN Gold Shield certification for the Hamburg studio proves that the security standards at Elbgorilla Synchro meet the highest demands. TPN (Trusted Partner Network) is a global initiative for information security in the film and television industry. Successful certification in this network is the most important prerequisite for being able to work with the most important company in the global film industry.

"We are delighted that we have succeeded in becoming the very first TPN Gold Shield-certified studio in Hamburg in our very first year," explain the two Elbgorilla Synchro studio managers Daniela Bley and Leonie Kock, not without pride.

Managing Director Ralf Meyke adds: "Now it's official that our customers' content is in the best hands with us."

Among other things, the Elbgorilla Synchro crew is currently working on the dubbing of their first feature film, which will be shown on screens at the end of the year.